We invest

in minority ownership of tomorrow’s best companies and manage multi-asset portfolios

We collaborate

through active partnerships and tailored solutions

We create

the best conditions for our stakeholders’ long-term growth

Our purpose

Why are we here

Our purpose is to create long-term prosperity for the families of our shareholders, partners and employees. We manage and grow family-owned capital, based on strong family values. We believe family values provide a solid foundation for business, while highlighting the importance of family life outside work for our staff. These values inspire an exceptionally strong team spirit – not just internally, but also among the companies with which we partner. Every one of our partnerships is built on trust, responsibility and a long-term commitment – and that is why they are all considered part of the Kirk Kapital family. We are proud of these tight bonds and collaboration.

As a family-run company, family is in our DNA, and it shines through in all our values…

We value…



We are amongst the best, brightest, and most experienced within our field.


We have a relentless focus on realising our purpose


We conduct our business in accordance with the highest standards of professional behaviour and ethics

Our business areas


Strategic Investments

Our Strategic Investments area focuses on active larger minority shareholdings of medium- and larger-sized companies with market-leading positions in long-term growth industries.

Financial Investments

The Financial Investments area manages multiple individual portfolios.

Vejle Investments

Vejle Investments predominantly holds our investment activities centered around the city of Vejle. These are mainly real estate investments in Fjordenhus, Utoft Plantage and Havneøen.

Family Office Services

Family Office Services area includes the provision of a diversified range of services, including providing wealth overviews, management, and financial planning. Family Office Services administers a charitable foundation, the Edith & Godtfred Kirk Christiansen’s Foundation, on a pro bono basis.

Key figures


Billion DKK assets under management


Portfolio companies



How did we become

Our history

Established in 2007, Kirk Kapital’s heritage stretches back much further to 1932, when Ole Kirk Christiansen started making wooden toys in his workshop. In 1934, Ole began selling them under the now world-famous name, LEGO.

Today, almost 90 years later, our heritage of imagination and ingenuity is what forms the foundation of Kirk Kapital’s unique business.

Kirk Kapital’s shareholders, the Kirk Johansen family, are Ole Kirk Christiansen’s descendants.

As well as managing the family office services for our shareholders, we specialise in financial investments and strategic minority investments in tomorrow’s best companies, under the motto: We invest, collaborate and create.

The company history




LEGO is established by Ole Kirk Christiansen


Succession to Kjeld and Gunhild

Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen and Gunhild Kirk Johansen assumes ownership of LEGO and the family office KIRKBI


Kirk Kapital is Founded

Kirk Kapital is established from the demerger of KIRKBI, with Gunhild Kirk Johansen as majority shareholder


Succession to Casper, Morten and Anders

Gunhild, Casper, Morten and Anders Kirk Johansen obtain equal ownership of Kirk Kapital


New Strategy Defined

Kirk Kapital defines new investment strategy and establishes office in Copenhagen



Fjordenhus is completed and open to the public


The Nissen Family

The Nissen family enters into an asset management agreement with Kirk Kapital


Next Generation Takes Over

Gunhild transfers her shares to the next generation


Kirk Kapital Fondsmæglerskab A/S

Kirk Kapital establishes an asset management arm

Board of Directors

 Casper Kirk Johansen>

Casper Kirk Johansen


 Anders Kirk Johansen >

Anders Kirk Johansen


 Birgitte Nielsen>

Birgitte Nielsen


 Jens Winther Moberg>

Jens Winther Moberg


 Peter Beske Nielsen>

Peter Beske Nielsen


Annual & ESG report 2023


Annual & ESG report 2023

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Former reports

Annual Report 2022

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Annual Report 2021

Download report

Sustainability Report 2021

Download report

Annual Report 2020

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Annual Report 2019

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Annual Report 2018

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Annual Report 2017

Download report

Edith & Godtfred Kirk Christiansens Fond

Edith & Godtfred Kirk Christiansens Fond supports a wide range of cultural and ecclesiastical projects both in Denmark and internationally. One of the foundation’s biggest projects is the establishment and operation of an SOS Children’s Village in Jimma, Ethiopia. Here you can read more about the foundation, its work and some of the many projects that the foundation has supported.

Read more (in Danish)